Urban Design: Future city
Associate Professor Peter Hemmersam
This studio investigates strategies for sus-
tainable development in one of the fastest
growing municipalities of Akershus County.
Working with the seven cities of the munic-
ipality, the students explore critical issues
of policy and planning, studying water sys-
tems, urban agriculture and food produc-
tion, and new modes of transport.
Fields of Exploration, Limits of
Professor Knut Eirik Dahl
This nine-week studio was inspired by the
global appetite and dependency on metals
and minerals. It relates to the national ini-
tiatives and strategies for mineral extraction
in Northern Norway. The studio aims to
unfold the social, legal and environmen-
tal implications of increased extraction.
Through the themes of the big picture, the
perforated landscape, the multi-layered
landscape, and a collection of individual
reflections, the studio discovers that a new
version of territory is being mapped, de-
scribed and conceptualised. By insisting on
participating in the ongoing national debate,
the studio advocates the landscape archi-
tect’s agency in the shaping of futures.
Studio blog:
Systemic Design Studio:
Grorud Valley
Associate Professor Alan Berger, MIT
and PhD Fellow Espen Aukrust Hauglin
Collaboration between AHO/Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT) and Agency
for Planning and Building Services, City of
This AHO/MIT design studio addresses
critical issues of landscape toxicity and
air pollution in the Grorud Valley. Urban
visions and strategic urban design projects
are developed in relation to the area’s inher-
ent qualities, across sectoral divisions and
multiple scales to derive more intelligent
systemic projects and proposals. In con-
trast to typical architecture studios that are
mainly involved with physical design, cos-
metics, or discrete locations and amenities,
this studio challenges students to research,
digest and redirect, rather than merely react
to contemporary conditions of the valley’s
polluted areas and ecological systems.