AHO WORKS - STUDIES 2011-2012 - page 169

Henrik AngeLSen HAAneS
Advisor: Hans gerhard Meier
Some designers think that our built environment should be
designed to respond and adapt to environmental changes. But
do we need intelligent products and smart homes? People are
smart. And highly adaptable. People can make and remake
almost anything from simple, versatile and flexible materials.
Together, people and materials form intelligent adaptable sys-
tems. Rather than smarter products, we need more versatile
Simple things made from versatile materials are easily
adapted using versatile skills as environments, needs and
wants change. By transforming, organising and disorganis-
ing simple things, people learn and develop versatile skills,
increasing their adaptive capacity and resilience to environ-
mental disturbances, while strengthening the connection
between people, their things and their environment.
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