AHO WORKS - STUDIES 2011-2012 - page 185

Norwegian Architecture:
An Introduction
PhD Fellow Even Smith Wergeland
This course introduces Norwegian archi-
tecture, its history and its contemporary
manifestations. A series of excursions
and field trips aims specifically at intro-
ducing the students to the architectural
context in 1:1. The students will receive
an overview of Norwegian architecture
and architectural history, and a particu-
larly thorough knowledge of the archi-
tecture of the Oslo region.
Norwegian Design History
Professor Jan Michl
This course is a collaboration between
the Institute of Form, Theory and His-
tory and the Institute of Design. The
themes covered include subjects from
contemporary Norwegian design histo-
ry, Norwegian design offices, furniture
design, automotive and maritime design,
lighting design, Scandinavian design
ideology, ergonomics development in
Scandinavia, Norwegian empire style, the
Gesamtkunstwerk in Scandinavia, and
Scandinavian design research.
As-Built: Book Production
Visiting tutor Dagfinn Sagen
This course centers around the book
and is taught by the edi-
tors. Students will work on material for
As-Built Classics
. Published regularly as a
series of books on contemporary Norwe-
gian architecture,
presents the
complete drawings of one building, as
well as drawing lists, technical specifica-
tions, photographs, and a essay written
specifically for each edition. The course
is organised as a seminar, with experi-
ence in archival work in the Architecture
Museum, the treatment of a delicate
drawing material, editorial discussions
and book production.
Norwegian Tectonic Traditions
in Wood
Associate Professor Kolbjørn Nesje
The course consists of lectures and dis-
cussions every Tuesday throughout the
semester, focusing on the construction
of models and the writing of scientific
articles. The seminar week at the end of
the autumn 2011 was dedicated to con-
struction of a house by the water using
traditional techniques in Rugsund in
Nordfjord. This construction was in col-
laboration with artisan Erlend Gjelsvik
who works with the restoration of Stave
Total Design:
Design and Architecture as an
Art of Transgression
Adjunct Professor Anders Munch
Total Design
presents a historical, theore-
tical subject through readings, lectures,
and discussions in relation to current
design practice. Creating total design has
been a central part of shaping and plan-
ning ideals since 1900, but still remains
controversial since total design can be
total control. Students write on diverse
topics including: Parc de la Villette,
Paris; Lilla Hyttnäs; artistic decoration
at the School of Dentistry, Bergen; the
Farnsworth House by Mies van der Rohe;
and toilets on the Norwegian Tourist
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