Introduction to Architecture I
Professors Beate Hølmebakk, Erik
Langdalen, Thomas Thiis-Evensen,
Jan Michl and Associate Professor
Steinar Killi
This first course is an introduction to pro-
fessional studies at AHO. The course is
organised around project work, with an in-
troduction to model making in wood, steel
and plastic workshops, analytical freehand
drawing I, AutoCad, and 3d Studio Max,
material technology I and architectural and
design history up to 1900. Students work on
assignments individually and in groups.
Introduction to Architecture II
Professors Beate Hølmebakk, Erik
Langdalen, Mari Hvattum, Jan Michl
and Assistant Professor Solveig
Offered in the spring semester, this course
is a continuation of the first year autumn
course. The aim is to give students experi-
ence working through architectural tasks.
Students become acquainted with integral
terminology including: sustainability, func-
tion, construction, program, site considera-
tions, drawing conventions, model making,
analytical freehand drawing II, material
technology II and modern architectural-
and design history from 1900 until today.
Introduction to Architecture III
Design Studio: Urban Housing
Professor Bente Kleven, Adjunct
Professor Kolbjørn Nesje Nybø and
Assistant Professor Solveig Sandness
This course investigates, conceptualises,
and develops a collective housing project
with specific qualities for elderly people. In
addition there is a course in structures and
construction I as well as Norwegian archi-
tectural history.
Introduction to Architecture IV
Small-scale Public Building
Professors Bente Kleven, Mari
Hvattum and Assistant Professor
Solveig Sandness
Participating students will transfer valuable
knowledge and experiences from the last
autumn’s studio and further develop their
skills in integrating various topics into sus-
tainable programs and architectural design.
The spring studio will investigate, con-
ceptualise and develop an activity centre
for young people on three different sites in
the city center of Oslo. In addition there is a
course in structures and construction II as
well as history of architectural theory.