AHO WORKS - STUDIES 2011-2012 - page 186

AHO WORKS StudieS 2011-2012
Design for Them
Assistant Professor Hans Gerhard Meier
As the title suggests, the goal of this elec-
tive course at AHO is to make an impact
through user-oriented design, changing
the way we as designers attack problems
and challenges in today’s society. Through
user insight and community involvement,
the participants are expected to engage
and understand complex user behavior.
This course aims for a more holistic way of
thinking about the design process.
Applied Story Telling
Assistant Professor Hans Gerhard Meier
Storytelling has become an important part
of engaging and reaching a global audience.
When introducing a new service or launch-
ing a new product a story needs to be told
in a compelling and fun way.
Applied Story-
involves using traditional dramaturgic
principals mixed with new visual cues from
the motion graphic scene to achieve a last-
ing impact.
Design Management
Professor rachel Troye
The course focuses on the interface be-
tween design and business. A series of lec-
tures from practitioners, users, clients and
academics lends insight into the different
aspects of design management in practice.
Several dimensions of design management
and design leadership are explored: oper-
ational design management, brand man-
agement, strategic design leadership. The
course includes a three-day workshop with
BI + KHiO to provide insight into business
culture, methods, processes and language.
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