AHO WORKS - STUDIES 2012-2013 - page 213

Structure, Form and Proportions
Solveig Sandness
In this course we focus on proportions and
dimensions for different structures. What
are the limitations for the most common
structural systems/materials, and what can
be done to obtain what we want – longer
spans or cantilevers, slimmer structures
etc.? The students also learn how to calcu-
late loads and how to pick dimensions from
pre-calculated tables and curves.
Professional Practice
Tarald Lundevall
The course deals with architecture as a pro-
fession. Legal and procedural frames and
regulations for planning and construction
of buildings, different roles and responsi-
bilities of architects, and alternative ways
of organizing architectural work are pre-
sented. The course consists of lectures and
seminars, visits to offices and building sites,
and reading of relevant literature.
A view to the future: Energy Positive
Marius Nygaard
In cooperation with governmental bodies
and the Powerhouse alliance of leading
companies in the building sector, the Insti-
tute of Architecture at AHO established this
course to investigate architectural implica-
tion aims for zero energy and zero emission
buildings. During the final course week,
four teams competed for the best design for
an energy positive pavilion overlooking the
Oslo harbour.
Architecture and Film;
Light from Darkness
Rolf Gerstlauer and
Per Olaf Fjeld
Students were given the task to register and
document different particular light-related
phenomena during the dark period of the
Nordic year with the help of video. In a
further treatment of the recorded light-
phenomena they were to edit a film/video
that sought to discuss the light spatially in
order to create a new discursive architec-
tural space on film/video.
Architecture & Film; Morphology of
Body and Space
Rolf Gerstlauer and
Per Olaf Fjeld
Experimental film studio investigating body
and space morphologies.Architectural space
must seek its renewal in a better understand-
ing of the time/space or time/space/place
relationship. How does one perceive and un-
derstand architectural space when it occurs
in such a constantly challenged environ-
ment? How can one free a new architectural
space emerging from its existence in that
expanded milieu?
Associative Modelling in Architectural
Michael Hensel and Joakim Hoen
The course offered an introduction to as-
sociative modelling, through lectures on
common concepts and techniques as well
as hands-on tutorials in Grasshopper. The
aim was to enable the students to use these
skills in a real project and resulted in highly
adaptable design documentation for con-
struction in the related studio, Scarcity and
Creativity in Latitude 68N.
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