Architecture and Ceramic Materials
Børre Skodvin
In architecture, ceramic materials have
always been present, in the form of bricks,
tiles, porcelain installations, etc. Still there
is only limited knowledge among architects
on how this group of materials may be ex-
ploited and utilized beyond the standard
inventory supplied by industrial producers.
This studio aims to investigate the possibili-
ties of ceramics in architecture.
Studio B3: To Dwell – The New Collective 1
Per Olaf Fjeld and Rolf Gerstlauer
A critical interpretation of an existing/es-
tablished architectural environment, milieu
constitutes the social and spatial discussion
for the new collective. Students choose an
architectural situation and through their
reading they are confronted with new spa-
tial inventions that are capable to develop
an architecture with the capacity to satisfy
their opinions/values in relation to live and
to dwell; - The New Collective.
Studio B3: To Dwell – The New Collective 2
Per Olaf Fjeld, Lisbeth Funck,
and Rolf Gerstlauer
The New Collective creates an independent
spatial construct, an autonomous architec-
ture that invites to the social relationship
they are searching for. Its architecture shall
offer a social/human contact between thou-
sand individuals, but in a way that the indi-
vidual’s private needs are spatially under-
stood and equivalent to different common
needs and their variations. One to thousand,
thousand to one, is the new collective’s
architectural challenge.
Detailed Design of Small Living Unit
Marius Nygaard
In this course the students can choose
between a student housing project with
10-20 dwellings, or autonomous off-grid
cabins for tourism with a small ecological
footprint. The projects are prepared for
prefabrication and controlled lifecycles, and
adapted to locations with specific qualities
and climatic impacts.