AHO WORKS - STUDIES 2012-2013 - page 215

eral Norwegian cities and it emphasized
a physical understanding of the process-
es of change, combining the reading of
selected literature with the elaboration
of graphical representations.
Norwegian Architecture
Elisabeth Seip
The course offers an introduction to Nor-
wegian architecture particularly aimed
at students from abroad. Starting with
a lecture on Norwegian vernacular fol-
lowed by a visit to The Norwegian Folk
Museum, the course covers the various
periods until the present day in similar
ways: All topics are introduced through
a lecture, followed by an excursion in the
Oslo region. Thus the students also get
a firmer knowledge of their immediate
environment and its architecture while
staying in Oslo.
Architectural fantasies: Piranesi & Co
Victor Plahte Tschudi
Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720–78)
turned the fantastical into aesthetics. He
programmed the irrational as a norm and
created an “anti-architecture” that has
influenced architects, artists, film-mak-
ers, and authors ever since. The course
investigates the influence of Piranesi
in various disciplines and invites the
students to write essays aimed for pub-
The Art of Collecting Architecture
Mari Lending
The Art of Collecting Architecture inves-
tigates various mechanisms of displace-
ment and revaluation involved when
architecture is turned into portables and
collectibles. In spring 2013, we worked
especially on plaster cast portals of Nor-
wegian stave churches; their production,
shipping and display in major European
and American Museums.
The course resulted in Mari Lending and
Victor Plahte Tschudi, Arkitekturdepo-
ter: Piranesistikk og stavkirkeportaler,
(Oslo: AHO, 2013).
Designing for them
Hans Gerhard Meier
As the title suggests, the goal of this elec-
tive course at AHO is to make an impact
through user-oriented design, changing
the way we as designers attack prob-
lems and challenges in today’s society.
Through user insight and community
involvement, the participants are expect-
ed to engage and understand complex
user behaviour. This course aims for a
more holistic way of thinking about the
design process.
Applied Story Telling
Hans Gerhard Meier
Storytelling has become an important part
of engaging and reaching a global audi-
ence. When introducing a new service or
launching a new product a story needs to
be told in a compelling and fun way. Ap-
plied Storytelling involves using tradition-
al dramaturgic principals mixed with new
visual cues from the motion graphic scene
to achieve a lasting impact.
Design Management
Rachel Troye
The course focuses on the interface be-
tween design and business. A series of
lectures from practitioners, users, clients
and academics lends insight into the
different aspects of design management
in practice. Several dimensions of design
management and design leadership are
explored: operational design manage-
ment, brand management, and strategic
design leadership. The course includes a
three-day workshop with the Norwegian
Business School (BI) and the Oslo Na-
tional Academy of Arts (KHiO) to pro-
vide insight on business culture, methods,
processes and language.
Interactive Spaces and Environments
Ståle Stenslie
Interactive Spaces and Environments is
aimed at both design and architecture
students, working in cross-disciplinary
collaboration. The course looks at the
expanding overlap between Interaction
Design, architecture and media arts, to
explore how the ideas and methods of
Interaction Design can be applied in
larger environments and spaces. The
course inves¬tigates emerging trends
in responsive spaces and installations,
environments and interactive architecture
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