Introduction to Architecture I and II
Christine Petersen, Espen Vatn, Olav
Kristoffersen, Beate Hølmebakk, Erik
Langdalen, Anna Røtnes, Anders
Melsom, Eskil Tin, Ingrid Lønningdal,
Carsten Loly, Espen Bærheim, Thomas
Thiis-Evensen, Jan Michl, Solveig
Sandness and Steinar Killi
The first year studio courses introduce the
students to the complexity of the crafts-
manship of Architecture and cover areas
such as freehand drawing, workshop prac-
tices, computer-aided design, material tech-
nology and Architecture- Art- and Design
history. This year the students focused on
the theme of habitation, examining it from
multiple perspectives. The theme was in-
vestigated in different contexts such as a
house for one inhabitant and one guest on a
narrow site, an asylum centre in the central
Oslo, and a hotel in a natural landscape. In
addition they carried out a number of small-
er full scale investigations on materials such
as cardboard, gypsum, wood and steel.
Introduction to Architecture III
Studio: Urban Housing
Bente Kleven, Bjørn Sandaker, Nils Erik
Forsen, Mari Hvattum, Solveig Sandness,
Gro Eileraas, Lars Hamran, Lars Oskar
Ylvisaaker, Tom Sletner, Cathrine Vigander,
Mari Lending and Kolbjørn Nybø
After a 5-week workshop on universal de-
sign, this course investigates, conceptual-
ises and develops student housing projects
at three different sites in Oslo. In addition,
students take courses in structures and
construction as well as Norwegian Archi-
tectural History.
Introduction to Architecture IV
Small-scale public building
Bente Kleven, Bjørn Sandaker, Nils Erik
Forsen, Mari Hvattum, Solveig Sandness,
Gro Eileraas, Lars Hamran, Lars Oskar
Ylvisaaker, Tom Sletner, Cathrine Vigander,
Mari Lending and Kolbjørn Nybø
Participating students will transfer valua-
ble knowledge and experiences from the
last Autumn’s studio and further develop
their skills in integrating various topics into
sustainable programmes and architectural
design. The spring studio investigates, con-
ceptualises and develop a middle school
programme. The two actual project sites
are realistically located in and outside the
centre of Oslo. Students additionally take
courses in structures and construction as
well as the History of Architectural Theory.