The three-year Foundation that comprises the basic architectural education
at AHO is divided between three Institutes. The Institute of Form, Theory and
History leads the first year; the Institute of Architecture leads the second year;
and the Institute of Urbanism and Landscape leads the third year.
The objective during the second year Foundation course is integration of
the diverse subject areas of architecture into coherent and interesting building
design. The teaching and studio work aims to impart basic knowledge of design
methodology, materials, technology, sustainability and professional subjects.
The students are trained in the integration of these themes in architectural
The Master involves two and half years, during which that last semester is ded-
icated to completing the Diploma project or master thesis. The student then
qualifies for the Master of Architecture. Students take studios and electives
during the first two years. Studio courses represent 80% of a normal semester
and electives represent 20%. Each student generally follows one studio course
and one elective course each term.
Studios involve one or several architectural design tasks. They span from
small-scale, individual housing units to large-scale commercial and cultural
projects. The architectural perspective varies between the courses, from the-
oretical or artistic aspects to the understanding of methods and technologies.
Project-oriented studio courses rely heavily on individual tutoring, but also
contain lectures on topics relevant to the project tasks. Electives focus on spe-
cific themes, tools or skills that are important to architectural design and profes-
sional practice. Integration of research and teaching is sought for throughout the
graduate studies at the Institute of Architecture.
Housing will be a prioritised theme in the next semesters. A focus on innova-
tive solutions with a high architectural quality contributing to Norway’s public
debate on housing will be emphasised.
Institute of Architecture