THe MarceLLus THeaTer – a PossIBILITy sTudy
christine Moseid Fjellstad
Kunsthall i Roma + Romakurset
MasTer sTudIo | one seMesTer
The aim of this project was to reprogramme the 17 bc
Marcellus Theater as an art hall to challenge our reading
of contemporary art as well as utilise the existing rooms
and their distinctive qualities that have arisen over time.
The Marcellus Theatre’s long tradition of reuse, adaptation
and reconfiguring is continued by a new room added to
the building’s many historical layers. Existing rooms and
structures are given new content and new uses. Today’s
typical white-cube exhibition space is stripped of meaning
and function other than being an invisible backdrop of
artwork on display. Exhibiting art in a context charged with
meaning and history questions how a work of art is influenced
by that room as it starts to require something of the artwork
and the audience, and in which the work begins to affect our
perception of space. Perhaps it is also time for modern art to
be confronted with the outside world and the conditions a
context put forth?
Institute of Form, Theory and History