AHO WORKS - STUDIES 2011-2012 - page 48

1:1 LIBrary For one BooK
FoundaTIon FIrsT year | 4-WeeK WorKsHoP
The assignment was for three students in col-
laboration to draw and build a small library
from reused materials: a room intended for
keeping one book and where one person can
read for the other group members.
The design and concept should take as
its starting point an interpretation of one or
more of the texts from
the Arabian Nights.
An important factor in the work was the
disposition of the given materials: one piece
30 mm pine gluelam in varying dimensions;
four pieces 48 x 98 mm stud 2400 mm long;
and 11 pieces 21 x 98 mm formwork board in
varying dimensions. Each group built on the
area of the school to focus on prefabrication
and an efficient building process.
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