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Physicians’ sickness certification of women

and men

The Swedish Social Insurance Inspectorate (Inspektionen för social-

försäkringen, ISF) is an independent supervisory agency for the

Swedish social insurance system. The objectives of the agency are

to strengthen compliance with legislation and other statutes, and to

improve the efficiency of the social insurance system through system

supervision and efficiency analysis and evaluation.

The ISF’s work is mainly conducted on a project basis and is

commissioned by the Government or initiated autonomously by

the agency. This report has been initiated by the agency.


In a previous study, the ISF found that physicians prescribed longer

sick leave for men than for women in the first medical sickness

certificate in an episode of sickness benefit. However, there is

a lack of knowledge as to whether this gender difference is due to

differences in diagnosis behind the episodes of sick leave for women

and men.

This is the second report on the ISF’s scrutiny of physician’s sickness

certification. The first report was published in April 2014.



ISF 2014:5. The importance of medical sickness certificates for sick leave: a register study

of certificates submitted to the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, pp. 11–14.