AHO WORKS - STUDIES 2012-2013 - page 30

The seminar aimed to discuss the relationships between systems thinking and design, and
systems practices with design practices. It brought together a group of prominent interna-
tional speakers, in the hope of forming a network for pursuing discussions on this theme in
the future. The seminar fashioned a successful mix between theoretical and practice-orient-
ed presentations, and between experienced and less experienced people in the field.
The pre-seminar PhD workshop and the post-seminar core group meeting were successful
and created enthusiasm.
The urbanism Foundation course for architects presented 22 realized urban architectural
projects in Oslo. The exhibition opened for a new perspective on urban development in Oslo
over the last 30 years.
Atlas Oslo
focused on urban architecture and the relationship between
architecture and urban development in the Oslo area. The goal was to develop an “atlas” of
a number of projects that are collectively representative of recent urban development in the
region. The buildings were to be different in terms of size, location and programme, but have
in common the fact that they were informed by or constituted complex urban situations.
PARK(ing) Day is an annual open-source global event where citizens, artists and activists
collaborate to temporarily transform parking spaces into “PARK(ing)” spaces - temporary
public places. PARK(ing) Day is a global movement, with organizations and individuals cre-
ating new forms of temporary public space in urban contexts around the world.
The mission of PARK(ing) Day is to call attention to the need for more urban open spaces
to generate critical debate around how public space is created and allocated, and to improve
the quality of urban human habitat … at least until the parking meter runs out!
The seminar discussed river re-naturalization projects in Geneva and Oslo in order to fur-
ther the discussion on how landscape could be (re)considered as a productive asset in the
dynamic transformation of Oslo. Landscape architects Georges Descomes and Rainer Stan-
ge joined philosopher Sébastian Marot water engineer Tharan Fergus and professor Kelly
Shannon to debate on how the inclusion of forgotten, nearly buried fine grain water bodies
once again could become one of the vital lifelines in the urban landscape.
At the AHO Christmas party each year the Student Council at AHO (SAHO) gives out a
students’ honorary award. The prize shines light on staff and faculty at the school, and
through the years it has been awarded to teachers, the technical division, the workshops and
the IT-department. All students at the school can vote. In 2012, the nominees were Beate
Hølmebakk, Bjørn Sandaker and Rachel Troye. Professor Bjørn Sandaker received the most
votes. A SAHO representative said in her speech that Bjørn has helped the school become an
institution that gives its students the needed weight and the ability to master the field.
The Relating
Thinking and
Design Seminar
4-5 October
Atlas Oslo
12 October
PARK(ing) Day
12 November
River Re-na-
Landscape in
the Dynamic
of Cities
26 November
The Students’
Honor prize
14 December
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