AHO WORKS - STUDIES 2011-2012 - page 79

Institute of Architecture
BoArDINg ScHooL For DANce
Sveinn Bjarki Thorarinsson
Uten Utsikt
MASTer STuDIo | oNe SeMeSTer
The program is for a boarding school for classical ballet, located in Thereses-
gate, Oslo, for children of 13 to 18 years of age. The program is divided into
three parts: living, dancing and administration.
The construction interprets the weightlessness of the ballet. There are two
rows of steel columns, four in each row. Cantilevers suspend a concrete block
with steel wires from the ground floor in the middle of the building. This is
the heart of the school, the main dance studio. Beneath, it leaves a void for
another dance studio, intended for rehearsals and more informal performanc-
es. From the project one experiences the hanging hall and the weight from the
ballet that holds the building in place.
The main dance studio forms the counterweight to the other functions
of the building. Both the dormitory and the administration are made from
wood that hang along the cantilevers, as a part of the load that holds the main
studio in place. The administration faces the main street and the dormitory
hangs in the backyard. To emphasise the hanging structure and distribute
equal weight to the concrete block, wires run diagonally from the cantilever
down to the pavement.
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