AHO WORKS - STUDIES 2011-2012 - page 77

TecToNIc eXercISeS: SINgLe FAMILy HouSe
eva kjølsøy
MASTer STuDIo | oNe SeMeSTer
A steel structure is devised to stimulate and enable different
ways of changing the environment. The structure serves as a
chest containing different rooms or drawers that slide in and
out. The chest is situated in the middle of an imaginary site
filled with water (30 x 60 meters). A bridge from north leads
to the main entrance, a drawer.
Each drawer can hold multiple drawers depending on the
functions it contains. Connected by rails, the drawers have
the capacity to create and move space. Gently sliding a drawer
reveals new opportunities, such as a hidden sauna, a secret
greenhouse, a treasured library or the surprise of finding a
favourite pair of loafers.
Plan 1:200
Plan 1:200
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