AHO WORKS - STUDIES 2011-2012 - page 38

The Institute of Form, Theory and History (FTH) teaches and researches in architectural theory
and history, design history, architectural heritage and drawing. The faculty teaches at all aca-
demic levels, from first year through the master level and doctoral programme. The Institute
offers a post-professional master in architecture preservation.
FTH engages in research-based teaching with a focus on norwegian architecture, as well as
history/historiography, history of design, re-use of historic structures, contemporary architecture
and museums, models and architecture exhibitions. These fields are reflected in diplomas and
doctoral dissertations supervised by the department. The faculty includes both historians and
practicing architects and counts approximately 25 people, including Phd Fellows and visiting
tutors. The oslo centre for critical architectural studies (occas) forms an integral part of FTH.
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ForM, THeory and
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