AHO WORKS StudieS 2011-2012
Diploma Projects
Master of Architecture
ALekSAnDer H. rene AnD AnDerS ruDLAng
Advisor: Beate Hølmebakk with ftH faculty
How do we protect the Norwegian Stave Churches in the long term? And
what is most important to preserve, the original materials, or knowledge of
the craft that makes it possible to keep the heritage alive? Our project is built
around a discussion led by spatial models related to the theory of entropy,
object identity and authenticity, museum critique and the Japanese approach
to the protection of cultural heritage.
The preservation discussion was summarised in a case consisting of an
archive for Stave Church parts and a school for traditional crafts, located at
Borgund Stavkirke. This case study is an abstract proposal for a museum that
seeks to mediate the two types of memory: memory through action and the
externally stored, memory embodied in objects.
Forum for the Stave Churches
Authentic Processes
relates to an architectural tradition of utopian and contro-
versial projects. In our diploma, architecture has been used to examine and
problematise theory by asking questions that further provoke the conserva-
tion discussion.