AHO WORKS StudieS 2011-2012
Diploma Projects
Master of Architecture
ingriD veDeLer BrekkHuS AnD MAtS keMPPe JoHAnSen
Advisor: Peter Hemmersam
People, resources and practices along the coast of Finnmark form new realities and unique
living conditions, where the settlements challenged by depopulation and restructuring of tra-
ditional coastal living based on fishery must reformulate future living. By mapping the coastal
settlements of Finnmark – constructing narratives and connections where initiatives and
practises are tied together and found within existing potentials – our aim was to uncover the
current challenges and opportunities for Northern coastal urbanity.
The mappings were based on extensive fieldtrips and meetings with people to define their
own premises for living in the extreme north of Norway. By linking ongoing stories of settle-
ments, natural resources and human initiatives, we aimed to present an understanding of
coastal Finnmark where a heterogeneity of practices and processes occur and new premises of
coastal living emerged: Traditional repair yards for sea vessels expand their expertise towards
windmill expertise. Bird tourism expands along the Varanger peninsula, together with other
specialised forms of exclusive tourism where nature and inhabitants set the premises and
limits. The inhabitants of Vardø restore their historical buildings and heritage by their own