The Swedish Social Insurance Inspectorate (Inspektionen för
socialförsäkringen, ISF) is an independent supervisory agency for the
Swedish social insurance system. The objectives of the agency are to
strengthen compliance with legislation and other statutes, and to
improve the efficiency of the social insurance system through system
supervision and efficiency analysis and evaluation.
The ISF’s work is mainly conducted on a project basis and is
commissioned by the Government or initiated autonomously by the
agency. This report has been commissioned by the Government.
Most employees in Sweden are covered by occupational pensions.
Occupational pension plans are to a large extent defined in collective
bargaining agreements negotiated between unions and employer
organisations. The occupational pension is an important source of
income and its importance has grown over time. The occupational
pension’s share of total pension income (public, occupational and
private pensions combined) is growing and today the occupational
pension makes up around 30 percent of men’s and 20 percent of
women’s total pension income.
The rules for how to withdraw occupational pensions, for example,
the lowest age for withdrawal or rules for annuitisation, are decided
upon in collective agreements and vary among labour market sectors.
There are four large occupational pension plans covering central
government employees (PA 03), employees in county councils and
municipalities (KAP-KL), white-collar workers in the private sector
(ITP) and blue-collar workers in the private sector (Pension plan
SAF-LO), respectively. This report covers these pension plans.