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The answers from the questionnaire emphasise that newly

retired people desire a smooth transition in terms of

consumption from their working life.

Influence from financial advisors.

Information, framing of withdrawal options and default

options have a major effect on the choice of withdrawal


According to the representatives from the pension insurance

companies and the labour market partners, it is most likely that the

development towards an increased share withdrawing their

occupational pensions over a fixed number of years will continue. In

the new occupational pension plans agreed upon in the past few

years, the whole occupational pension can be withdrawn over a fixed

number of years. Earlier research shows that as the possibility to

withdraw pensions over a few years opens up, more individuals

choose this alternative.

On the other hand, individuals with a large pension capital will tend

to annuitise their pension. In the future, the average occupational

pension capital will be larger than it is at present, which could

dampen the increasing trend for withdrawing occupational pensions

over a fixed number of years.


According to ISF, the possibility of withdrawing occupational

pensions over a fixed number of years is not a problem in general.

However, it could be problematic for some groups to choose to

withdraw their occupational pension over a few years. Overall, the

risk that a large group of pensioners will see a significant reduction in

their occupational pension income after some years as pensioners is

currently estimated as being small. Today, there are restrictions in

some of the occupational pension plans, so that one part of the

pension must be annuitised. In the pension plans where the whole

occupational pension can be withdrawn over a fixed number of years,

only a minority actually do so.

For some individuals it can be favourable to withdraw the

occupational pension over a few years instead of as an annuity. This