The effect is not very large on the individual level, but it is still of large
economic importance. The government’s total expenditure on temporary
parental benefit in 2013 was about SEK 5.78 billion (EUR 0.66 billion).
About 101,000 applications were selected for monitoring in 2013 and each
benefit day is on average worth SEK 910. If we assume that monitoring
decreases the paid benefit days by 1.4 per cent, the expenditure on
temporary parental benefit was about SEK 12 million (EUR 1.3 million)
lower than without the monitoring.
A rough estimate is that the
monitoring system costs between SEK 3 (EUR 0.33) and 9 (EUR 1)
million per year, depending on whether only labour costs or the total
administrative costs for the SSIA are included.
The effect of monitoring on
the benefit expenditure exceeds the costs of monitoring. This applies even
though the calculations do not take into consideration that the monitoring
has a direct effect in itself.
The average number of days on temporary parental benefits is 9.2 per year and
the average daily cost is 910 SEK. Thus, given an effect estimate of -.014, the
benefits from 101,000 controls is SEK 11.8 million (= -0.014*9.2*SEK
The calculation is based on 101,000 monitored applications, which means that
we assume that the SSIA monitors all the applications that are selected for
monitoring, which is probably an overestimation. The total administrative costs
include besides direct labour costs even general overhead costs for the SSIA (IT,
office rent etc.).