Supervisor: Steinar Killi
This project is based on a practical approach to 3D printing. I wanted
to explore the inherent qualities of the technology itself and through
this, to see how versatile a 3D printer is from the viewpoint of domes-
tic needs and domestic knowledge. The subtitle of this project can be
read as both a statement and a question. The word create is chosen
to indicate the vast and still open-ended possibilities inherent in this
relatively new technology. The second word share is there to point out
the direction for this specific project. Together I hope the two com-
plement each other in suggesting one of the many directions I imagine
3D printing will take.
3D printing is getting more and more attention from both media and
the common person. The seemingly unlimited qualities of this technol-
ogy intrigues us endlessly, and we wonder: what really are the limits?
There are stories of everything being manufactured frommachine guns
to replacements ears to the spare parts of your car. Niche markets for
crafted, bespoke designs. Anything seems possible.
The research and experimentation conducted in this diploma project
has been collected in the book titled
3D Printing Unlimited