eralised introduction to the field of design and exposes students
to the three areas of specialisation. The second year reveals
the in-depth complexity and diversity of the design profession.
In the third year, students determine their interests. Design
projects are placed in a wider context, enabling students to
transition into and direct their studies at the master’s level.
The two-year master curriculum is designed primarily for stu-
dents who have passed the Foundation. However, students from
other design schools are also eligible to apply. At this level all
students are expected to have basic tools and a general under-
standing of design methods, approaches and mindsets.
The master programme allows the students to specialise in
three areas: Industrial Design, Interactive Design, or Service
Design, or embark on a more personal blend of the three. The
first year consists of courses and projects in the chosen spe-
cialisation(s). In the second year students dedicate one semes-
ter to specialised or interdisciplinary work under a Systems
Oriented Design umbrella and begin narrowing the theme of
and planning their Diploma. The last semester is dedicated to
the Diploma project. This project may be done in collaboration
with external companies or organisations or connected with
research and development at the Centre for Design Research
within the Institute. After completion, all students are equipped
to enter a professional design career or to continue with a PhD
in design.
AHO WORKS StudieS 2011-2012
Institute of Design